Autumn Strolls on the way to endeavour the most traumatic experience of my life.
The London Tombs.
Whoever is reading this, please, take my advice... don't go! Seriously!
I thought I was going to have a panic attack, there were creepy 'dead' people everywhere, chasing you with chainsaws and axes, breathing heavily on you. Rachel and I spent the entire time under Tom's arms and jacket. Rach had a beanie over her head and saw nothing, just heard everything, I thought I was going to pass out, Tom was laughing hysterically at us, but he was secretly freaking out he later tells us.
Tom said he was worried about the fact I kept running off and violently into walls, he had to pick me up off the floor about 4 times. It was the craziest experience.
You literally could not pay me to do it again.
At least the day started off Beautiful though right?